Foto: (amyspanos)

Nikto ju nepozná, no ona zachytáva osud ostatných. Výnimočne talentovanej fotografke sa podarilo citlivo zachytiť podstatu žien, s ktorými sa život nemaznal. Preto ani ona nemôže chýbať na nevšedných fotografiách.

Väčšina z nás sa rada pozrie do súkromia ostatných. Keď ideme večer po ulici, aspoň očkom nahliadneme do cudzieho bytu, v ktorom sa svieti. 26-ročnú fotografku Amy Spanos odjakživa fascinovali ľudia, ich osudy a životy. Svojím objektívom zachytáva predovšetkým ženy, ktorých krása vám vyrazí dych. Pod krásnym obalom sa však nachádza kvantum bolesti. Amy sa fotografovať  naučila sama, pričom všetkým ukázala, že má naozajstný talent. 

Článok pokračuje pod videom ↓

Táto fotografka z Londýna má pred sebou skvelú budúcnosť. Ako sama tvrdí, skrz fotografie bojuje proti poruche osobnosti, s ktorou musí dennodenne bojovať. A určite to nie je maličkosť. „Momentálne som zamilovaná do rôznych ľudí. Jedinou tragédiou je, že poriadne ani nevedia, ako sa volám. Kvôli tomu strácam väčšinu času bezduchým snívaním o neznámych ľuďoch. Predstavujem si, aké by to bolo, a všetko sa tak veľmi zamotá, že sa to nikdy nepretaví do skutočnosti. V tom je tá druhá tragédia,“ tvrdí mladá umelkyňa. Samotný proces fotografovania sa však pre ňu stal terapiou, ktorá jej pomôže sa v sebe vyznať. My jej držíme palce, aby sa jej to podarilo.

Keď ťažké cesty vedú k tým najkrajším zákutiam

Autoportrét umelkyne, ktorý ukazuje, akou komplikovanou životnou etapou práve prechádzala. Pri fotografovaní všetko hralo v jej neprospech, no ona i z toho dokázala vyťažiť maximum.

Ľudia sú ako mraky. Sú nádherní, najmä vtedy, keď ich nevidíte

Touto fotografiou umelkyňa upozorňuje na to, aby sme všetko nevešali na sieť. Aj v dnešnej „online“ dobe je nutnosť zachovania súkromia.

Aj takto môže vyzerať to, čo sa vám deje v hlave

It’s kind of hard with you not around.

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Ak budete mať na pamäti svoju smrť, môžete urobiť tie najdôležitejšie voľby v svojom živote

‘Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet, death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it, and that is how it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It's life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new.’ – Steve Jobs

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Všetci sa bojíme smrti. Aj samotná autorka. Uvedomuje si však, aké dôležité je žiť autentický život. Nikto iný ho neodžije za nás. Avšak aj strach zo smrti nás môže posunúť dopredu.

Užívajte si svoj život. Nechoďte po koľajniciach tých ostatných

I’m so sad the past week is over, it has probably been the most amazing experience of my life, I haven’t stopped smiling and laughing the whole time. Life is a beautiful lesson and I now know – It’s totally okay to break down and cry until your eyes are puffy, but afterwards you just gotta pick yourself up and deal with it. Go be yourself, go find yourself, go laugh, and have a nice burger. Go laugh for a whole afternoon and forget about your work. Turn your phone off for the whole day and not think about who is or isn’t texting you. Tell the people that you love that you love them, call them, don’t text. You’re full grown but sometimes it’s fun to just be goofy. Go outside and pick flowers, make a crown, put them in a vase or take pictures of them. Never be shy to take a photo, never be afraid to ask strangers to take your photo, even if you’re alone. Please please please travel. Travel when you can and travel by yourself or with people you love. Surround yourself with people that feel like sunshine, discard the ones that don't. Meet strangers at festivals and make them friends, lovers, companions. Kiss a handsome stranger during a beautiful sandstorm. Do not let anyone tell you how you should live your sexual life. It’s your business, not your parents, not your friends, nobody’s but yours. Never apologize for something you’re not sorry for, and if you do don’t be sorry that you did. Fall in love, fall out of love, if it takes you years to get over it be proud of that, if it takes you weeks be proud of that. Do what makes you happy, not what is expected of you. Be proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished, be excited for the great things that are to come. Most importantly – be happy, please be happy.

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Smejte sa, cestuje, radujte sa z každého života. Len nedovoľte, aby vám ostatní kecali do toho, ako máte žiť svoj život. To nám radí úspešná fotografka.

Všetci s niečím bojujeme. Tu je dôkaz

V skutočnosti nemáme čo stratiť

“Nothing is infinite, not even loss. You are made of the sea and the stars, and one day you are going to find yourself again.” — F. Butler . People always say that it hurts at night when screaming into your pillow at 3am. But sometimes it’s 9am on a tuesday morning and you’re standing in the kitchen waiting for the toast to pop up and the smell of dusty sunlight and coffee makes you miss him so much and you don’t know what to do with your hands. The hardest lesson you will ever learn will be to love yourself. But you can do it. There will always be days when you hate yourself, days when you wish you had never been born. But darling you are beautiful. I know it’s hard to love yourself, but sometimes it’s okay to be a little selfish with your love. When you begin to feel worthless, remember that the stars died for you. You are made of elements that are thousands of years old, elements that make up every atom of your being. Some days will be beautiful. Live for those days. Live for the days when the sun shines on your soul and the smile on your face isn’t forced. Live for the days when you don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks because your scars are a part of your story and you don’t need someone else’s approval to wear them with pride. Live for the life you always wanted but were too scared to pursue. Live for you. Live for me. Live for every person who has ever loved you, for the people who have come before you so that you may be here today. Live for the fire that burns in your soul, that tells you: keep going, you’re almost there. Because when Rome burned down the emperor didn’t run away, he stayed and he sang for his people. Stay. Sing for your people. Sing for us.

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Najťažšia úloha je naučiť sa milovať samých seba. Je to výzva, ktorú by mal zvládnuť každý z nás.

Diabol verzus anjel. Záleží len na nás, koho budeme počúvať

Bad bunny @xolucyvictoria 🐰

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Svetlo si vždy nájde cestu von

Light will find you 💡 @enchantressity @collectifclothing

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Svet chaosu podľa Amy

Chaos theory.

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Niektoré fotografie doslova vyrážajú dych

Always been a sucker for a wild boy.

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Každý autoportrét autorky má silnú výpovednú hodnotu

It seemed like months before those bruises faded. I finally read all the messages you sent me over the past 2 years. You brought up ‘old times’ as if those old times weren’t covered in bruises and hate. I had that familiar feeling in my gut that I used to get with you, telling me to trust you again, that maybe this time you would’t hurt me as badly. You talked about the songs we played together, convincing me that maybe old times weren’t as bad as I once imagined.I remember the old times. I remember the time you cracked 2 of my ribs against the bathroom wall. I remember the lies I would tell to stop people asking about the scratches over my face, I remember the stairs and how far I fell before I hit solid ground, I remember the times you put your hands on my throat. I remember the first time your closed fist cracked across my face and I knew I was stuck. I remember the times you would kiss me tenderly in the mornings, placing your lips on every bruise you had painted on my body the night before.

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Na vlastnej koži zažila fyzické násilie, a vie, že modriny sa síce zahoja, no jazvy na psychike len tak ľahko nevymaže žiaden čas.

Najviac nás dokážu zraniť tie najlepšie veci

Hlavné je udržať si nadhľad

Blue skies.

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Voda zmyje všetko

I'm slowly drifting away, wave after wave

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Krása má rôzne podoby

🌪 @bethanylilyapril

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Výhľad, ktorý rozhodne zaujme

Good morning world ⛅️ @missdeadlyred

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Myslí si, že nie je kreatívna, avšak jej fotografie dokazujú presný opak

Aj takto vyzerá fantázia


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Keď prestaneme hľadať strašidlá pod posteľou, zistíme, že v skutočnosti sa nachádzajú v nás

Na čo sa to všetci hráme?

'Go sell your soul and keep your shell.'

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Keď tie tmavé dni sú daňou za tie svetlé

V pasci nášho vedomia

Tvorba tejto fotografky je dôkazom toho, že všetko, čo nás v živote postretne, môžeme v sebe transformovať na to dobré. Keby Amy neprešla peklom na zemi, v živote by nezačala fotiť. Svojou tvorbou však môže ovplyvniť tých, ktorí hľadajú cestu von.

Pozri aj: Drogy, prostitúcia a všadeprítomná kriminalita. Mrazivé fotografie závislých ľudí z ulíc Philadelphie vás chytia za srdce
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