foto: Instagram (@momimfine)

Aj keď dospejeme, predsa sme stále pre našich rodičov deti a je prirodzené, že sa o nás strachujú.

Najmä ak opustíme rodné mesto a rozhodneme sa, že chceme vidieť kúsok sveta. Podobne je na tom aj mladý muž menom Jonathan Kubben Quiñonez. Kedysi pôsobil ako model a žil v meste Brusel, rozhodol sa však, že opustí všetko, čo pozná a vydal sa spoznávať svet.

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Ako každá mama, aj tá Jonathanova si robila o svoje dieťa starosti. Jonathan sa preto rozhodol, že jej to uľahčí a všade, kam vycestuje, so sebou nosí veľký nápis „Mama, som v poriadku“, a fotky posiela svojej netrpezlivej mamine. Vďaka podareným záberom má Jonathan na Instagrame už tisícky fanúšikov.

Pozdrav z Tanzánie

Jonathan si v Tanzánii našiel aj zopár priateľov

Another picture of a great moment in Tanzania! Here are some facts that I learned while being with the Maasai tribe: – They usually wear red or blue colors – They are polygamists (they need to have one house per wife). Women can have lovers but from their tribe – Lions are often afraid of them – The stick they have is used to hit the ground in front of them while walking to scare snakes – They have a famous dance where the goal is to jump as high as you can – They don’t care about having material stuff. Owning many cows is a sign of wealth – They drink milk with blood but usually don’t kill the animal – To become and adult, young teenagers have to circumcise themselves without anesthesia, and without showing fear or pain – Governments have been taking their lands year by year @___wantotravel___ thank you for the opportunity! Picture taken with📸: @canonbelgium #momimfine #liveforthestory #maasai #tanzania #tribe #ad

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Rodičom chcel ukázať, aké je cestovanie skvelé. Vzal preto so sebou do Tanzánie aj svojho otca. Na takýto spoločný zážitok sa len tak nezabudne

Súboj so samurajom taktiež nezažije každý

Trochu farieb z festivalu v Indii

Jonathanov splnený sen, potápanie so žralokmi v Karibiku

Slávny skalný útvar Formentera

English / Español One month has passed since my last picture. I haven't been posting for 2 reasons: First, because I don’t want to be dependent on social media. After the humanitarian projects, I wanted to enjoy some quality time with my friends and family. The second reason is that I wanted to be prepared for 2018. I have big dreams and to accomplish them, I needed to work a lot on these projects. I am proud to tell you that I am ready to provide you with better content than ever. In the next weeks, I will start a YouTube channel called “Jonathan Kubben”, but it won’t be just about “Mom I’m fine”. People have asked me thousands of times about my life, work, experiences and travel. It’s time to show you the behind the scenes. It starts this month (link in bio) Thank you all for the support! ……………. Español Ha pasado un mes desde que publiqué mi última foto. Últimamente no he publicado por 2 razones: Primero, porque no quiero depender de las redes sociales. Luego de participar en proyectos humanitarios, quería disfrutar de un tiempo de calidad con mis amigos y familia. La segunda razón es que quiero prepararme para el 2018. Tengo grandes sueños y para lograrlos he tenido que trabajar mucho en estos proyectos. Me enorgullece contarles que estoy preparado para compartir con ustedes mejor contenido que nunca. En las próximas semanas empezaré a subir videos en mi nuevo canal de Youtube: "Jonathan Kubben" pero no se tratará solo de "Mom I'm fine". Me han preguntado miles de veces sobre mis experiencias de vida, mi trabajo y mis viajes. Es hora de mostrarles el detrás de escena. Comienza este mes (link en bio) con subtitulos en español 🙂 Gracias a todos por su apoyo!

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Nie každý je fanúšikom adrenalínu, Jonathanovi však očividne vôbec neprekáža

Rybárski akrobati na jazere Inle

Táto fotka asi nebude patriť medzi tie, ktoré by si Jonathanova mama obľúbila. Neváhal vstať o jednej v noci, aby sa vyštveral na kráter Ijen na Jáve

Ženské osadenstvo v Maroku bolo viac než ochotné s Jonathanom zapózovať

I spent a day with these women who produce argan oil in the South of Morocco. I wanted to experience what it was to do their work… it was such tough work! Since they have become fair trade certified, they are earning a good living and they can attend literacy classes.  Some of the women are even their family’s main bread winners! The Belgian development agency BTC supported this women’s organisation to obtain fair trade certification and to sell their argan oil internationally. Thanks BTC for the experience! Find out what else  BTC is doing on their or link in bio #arganoil #momimfine #Morocco #travel  #WomenEmpowerment #GenderEquality #TighanimineCooperation #BuyFairTrade #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #SDG5 #SDG12

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Aladin sa napokon rozhodol, že zaparkuje svoj koberec v Marakéši

Pravá talianska pizza s odkazom pre Jonathanovu mamu

Keď sa priatelia z celého sveta stretnú konečne na jednom mieste

Soľná púšť Uyuni v Bolívii

Inšpiroval Jonathan aj vás? Kam sa toto leto vyberiete vy?

Pozri aj: Zaručene vás pobavia. Prekrásna ruská mamička ilustruje komické dobrodružstvá, ktoré zažíva so svojimi dvomi deťmi

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