JB 27 Rím - Aktivisti organizácií Oxfam a Amnesty International protestujú v Ríme 29. októbra 2021. V talianskej metropole sa koná vrcholná schôdzka predstavite¾ov skupiny G20. FOTO TASR/AP Activists of Oxfam and Amnesty International stage a flash mob in Rome, Friday, Oct. 29, 2021. Various organizations staged a flash mob in Rome to ask G20 leaders to take bold decisions to distribute vaccines in low-income countries. According to OXFAM, Amnesty International and Emergency, members of the Peopleâs Vaccine Alliance, only 2.8% of population living in low income countries, mainly in Africa, had access to vaccines. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

JB 27 Rím - Aktivisti organizácií Oxfam a Amnesty International protestujú v Ríme 29. októbra 2021. V talianskej metropole sa koná vrcholná schôdzka predstavite¾ov skupiny G20. FOTO TASR/AP Activists of Oxfam and Amnesty International stage a flash mob in Rome, Friday, Oct. 29, 2021. Various organizations staged a flash mob in Rome to ask G20 leaders to take bold decisions to distribute vaccines in low-income countries. According to OXFAM, Amnesty International and Emergency, members of the Peopleâs Vaccine Alliance, only 2.8% of population living in low income countries, mainly in Africa, had access to vaccines. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

JB 28 Rím - Aktivisti organizácií Oxfam a Amnesty International protestujú v Ríme 29. októbra 2021. V talianskej metropole sa koná vrcholná schôdzka predstavite¾ov skupiny G20. FOTO TASR/AP Activists of Oxfam and Amnesty International stage a flash mob in Rome, Friday, Oct. 29, 2021. Various organizations staged a flash mob in Rome to ask G20 leaders to take bold decisions to distribute vaccines in low-income countries. According to OXFAM, Amnesty International and Emergency, members of the Peopleâs Vaccine Alliance, only 2.8% of population living in low income countries, mainly in Africa, had access to vaccines. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

JB 24 Rím - Svetoví lídri pózujú so zdravotníkmi poèas spoloènej fotografie na summite skupiny G20 v Ríme 30. októbra 2021. V talianskej metropole sa koná vrcholná schôdzka predstavite¾ov skupiny G20, ktorej témami budú klimatická zmena i obnova ekonomiky. FOTO TASR/AP World leaders pose with medical personnel for a group photo at the La Nuvola conference center for the G20 summit in Rome, Saturday, Oct. 30, 2021. The two-day Group of 20 summit is the first in-person gathering of leaders of the world's biggest economies since the COVID-19 pandemic started. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, Pool)

JB 37 Rím - Svetoví lídri pred zaèiatkom rokovania za okrúhlym stolom na summite skupiny G20 v Ríme 30. októbra 2021. V talianskej metropole sa koná vrcholná schôdzka predstavite¾ov skupiny G20, ktorej témami budú klimatická zmena i obnova ekonomiky. FOTO TASR/AP A general view of leaders prior to the start of a round table meeting at the La Nuvola conference center for the G20 summit in Rome, Saturday, Oct. 30, 2021. The two-day Group of 20 summit is the first in-person gathering of leaders of the world's biggest economies since the COVID-19 pandemic started. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)