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Ďalší skvelý dôkaz toho, že váha je len číslom. Nič menej, nič viac. A určite by sme nemali celý život podriadiť jej nezmyselnému znižovaniu.

„A koľko si schudla, keď tak dobre vyzeráš?“ Táto otázka vyjde z úst nejedného z nás, ktorý sa snaží zložiť kompliment žene, ktorá prešla výraznou transformáciou. „Neschudla som nič. Práve že som pribrala.“ Aj to môže byť odpoveď, ktorá nám žiaľ ide len ťažko do hlavy.

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Niektorí užívatelia Instagramu sa rozhodli pre veľmi sympatický krok. Vzali si za cieľ ukázať ostatným, že váha nie je nič viac, než číslo a že skutočne nezáleží na hodnote, ktorá sa vám objaví na váhe. Presne s týmto cieľom začali označovať svoje príspevky hashtagmi #gainingweightiscool (priberanie je skvelé)  a #screwthescales (kašlem na údaje).

A viete čo je na tom to najlepšie? Naozaj vidno, že s pár kilami navyše môžete vyzerať oveľa lepšie, než by ste si mysleli. A to je super! Je v tom však nejaký háčik. Pár kíl navyše v tomto prípade nie je výsledkom neustáleho prejedania ale práve naopak. Môže za to zdravý životný štýl, pohyb, vyvážená strava, za ktorú sa vám vaše telo odvďačí tým, o čom potajme snívate – dokonalou postavou. Vidieť zdravé telo, ktoré nemá index telesnej hmotnosti (BMI) na hranici podváhy je oveľa lepšie, než dívať sa na telo zmagorené od diét. A priznajme si, to nie vždy vyzerá práve najpríťažlivejšie. A aj toto je posolstvo nových hashtagov na Instagrame. Veď posúďte sami:

Pribrala tri kilá a ten rozdiel vám vyrazí dych

Tu je rozdiel približne šesť kíl

2013⏭2017 Just a friendly reminder that body composition is everyything, while the numbers on the scale are not. Same mirror, about 12 pounds heavier now on the right than I was on the left (142 lbs at 5'6" vs. 154 lbs). I exercised sporadically in 2013 and never committed to anything because I maintained my high school weight for a few years while eating like garbage. To be honest, I wasn't healthy. I was flabby and my face looked chubby, but not as bad as once I put on 30 pounds over the next year or two. If you're taking care of yourself, are functional and strong, then don't let your weight get you down, it's just gravitational pull after all??‍♀️ #TransformationTuesday #BodyComposition #GainingWeightIsCool #IGuessThisIsGrowingUp #ThankGodForWeights #GWPL #BeMoreNotLess #Transformation #LiftHeavy #FuckTheScale #NoFilter #DownWithTheThickness #Progress #FitFam #TimeHop #PowerliftingBuiltThisBody #JustStrong #Tattoos

A post shared by Tiernan Lanning (@t_lann25) on

A takto to môže dopadnúť, keď zdravým životným štýlom a športom priberiete deväť kilogramov

Aj tri kilá „navrch“ dokážu zázraky

WHY THE NUMBER ON THE SCALES MEAN NOTHING❤️ . Pre BULK ➡️ post BULK 57KG ➡️ 60KG FEBRUARY 2017 ➡️ JULY 2017 1,400 calories ➡️ 2,000 calories 75kg squat ➡️ 110kg squat Unhappy ➡️ Happy Pale af ➡️ Discovery of fake tan ??‍♀️ . So i wouldn't normally post a #transformationtuesday as i'm not a fan of posting my body online like this BUT i've decided to give it a shot to show the pure beauty of a BULK✨?? . So in Feb this year i decided i was going to do a bulk, i was unhappy with my body, unhappy with how little i was eating & unhappy with how much body was changing? this was a HUGE step in my fitness journey! i put on 5kg, but my performance in the gym sky rocketed and i was eating 800+ calories than i ever had before ?? #gains . After my 15 week bulk i did a very slow cut & this is what i'm left with ?? i can't lie, i am very happy with it ❤️?? i have worked bloody hard, pushed myself so much (both mentally and physically) to achieve it! . But my point is, girls or guys if you are stuck in a horrible low calorie rut & unhappy with your body, eat in a calorie surplus and train HARD ?? trust the process and you will get great results ? . I have put on 3KG but i have lost an inch around my stomach, gain one around my glutes & grown my upper body ? & i am enjoying my life in this cut with zero restriction & lots of chocolate! SO DONT WORRY #GAININGWEIGHTISCOOL ? . If you wanna know more about my bulk journey then head to my youtube channel (link in bio) . of course i am happy with my progress but this is only the start ? got so much more to achieve yet & the winter bulk will be a hard and long one ?? . so yeah, obviously nervous about posting in underwear (it's the same as a bikini ok ?) but it's a rare occasion so deal with it people ?? #notaslut . for online coaching DM me (one space available) ? #STRENGTHFEED

A post shared by ??Fitness/Lifestyle Blogger (@georgie_fitt) on

Katja pribrala viac než jedenásť kíl

#Repost @fitness_katja ・・・ About a year of progress between the two photos and over 20 pounds GAINED. So many girls come to me with their mind set on weight loss, thinking that will get them the body they desire, but weight loss is not always needed. Most of the time women would benefit more from putting on muscle and increasing their intake. I almost always recommend that my clients start at maintenance calories and work on building their strength and metabolism and THEN work on burning fat. I'm so glad that I put in over a year of strict bulking. It was so good for my body and my mindset. I now weigh 145 pounds which is more than I EVER though was possible and I am happier, stronger, and more confident in my body than I ever was at 120 pounds, which was my "goal" weight during recovery. Dont be afraid of bulking ladies.

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Z 50 kíl na 56 kg. A očividne je to zmena k lepšiemu

Dvanásť kíl navyše a obrovská zmena životného postoja, ktorý naozaj stojí za to!

#Repost @fjsfit ・・・ ➡️#TRANSFORMATIONTUESDAY➡️ . I am starting to really love these kinds of posts because it really makes me reflect on my own journey. . I have never ever had the guts to post the photo on the left before. It actually makes me feel really sad! But I'm going to be real with you guys. . I have never had an unhealthy relationship with food, but thinking back to the picture on the left, I had an unhealthy relationship with EXERCISE! . I used to run almost everyday, often pushing my body to run 10km fasted before a full day of medical school. If I knew I had a night out or a meal out coming up, I would make sure to be running at least 4-5 times a week. I would then fuel myself on about 1600 calories a day, which at at the time, didn't feel restrictive, but it wasn't enough for that amount of cardio!! . I ran because I thought I should, because I wanted to be 'fit and healthy'…but in reality, I really wasn't doing my body any favours running that often without adequate fuel and other things such as proper trainers!! . Now I train because it's like my meditation! I talked about this on snapchat. It's my way to have to some 'me' time and unwind after a long day . Over the years my view on exercise has grown into a very healthy one, training because I enjoy it, rather than to burn off food. And as a result, my body has changed too! . You girls on @instagram have massively influenced this mental and physical change so thank you for doing what you do xxx ________________________________________________________

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„Predtým, keď som mala 50 kíl, som bola doslova posadnutá cvičením. Behala som 4 -5 krát za týždeň a doslova som sa ničila. Denne som prijímala len 1 600 kalórií a doslova som sa ničila. Teraz som zmenila svoj postoj, neničím sa a keď športujem, tak šport je pre mňa doslova meditáciou,“ tvrdí užívateľka screw.the.scale, ktorá stojí za týmto nezvyčajným nápadom. A ľudia sa k nej s radosťou pridávajú.

Takéto príspevky sú skvelým príkladom toho, že sociálne siete nemusia byť len o chvastaní, ale môžu byť pre mnohých dostatočnou motiváciou, ktorá im pomôže dostať sa zo začarovaného kruhu nezdravého života. A ešte niečo na záver. Všimli ste si, že žiadna vrcholová športovkyňa nemá podváhu? Keby vážili štyridsať kíl, sotva by vládali na pretekoch, pretože by im chýbalo to najdôležitejšie – svaly.

Pozri aj: 15+ svetoznámych celebrít bez mejkapu. Tieto zábery vám dokážu, že nie sú výnimočnejšie ako obyčajní ľudia
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