Kevorkian s jednou zo svojich pacientiek, foto: Archív SITA/AP

Jack Kevorkian so svojím právnikom sleduje vysielanie CBS News, foto: Archív TASR/AP

Kevorkian a jeho advokát, foto: Archív TASR/AP

** ADVANCE FOR WEEKEND OF MAY 26-27 -FILE ** Dr. Jack Kevorkian, right, is removed in handcuffs from a courtroom by Oakland County Sheriff deputies after being sentenced in his trial in Pontiac, Mich., in this April 13, 1999 file photo. Kevorkian was sentenced in 1999 to 10 to 25 years for second-degree murder in the 1998 poisoning of a man with Lou Gehrig's disease. For nearly a decade, Kevorkian defiantly refused to stop his assisted suicide crusade. His actions prompted battles in many states to regulate how and when doctors could help people choose death. But Kevorkian will find little changed when he's released June 1, 2007 from a state prison in southern Michigan after serving more than eight years of a 10- to 25-year sentence. (AP Photo/The Oakland Press, Vaughn Gurganian, Pool)

Dodávka, v ktorej Kevorkian vykonal niekoľko asistovaných samovrážd, foto: Archív SITA/AP

FILE--A Southfield, Mich., police officer loads Jack Kevorkian's "euthanasia device" into the trunk of a vehicle outside the apartment where Roosevelt Dawson, 21, died Feb. 26, l998. Kevorkian said Wednesday, March 11, l998, that he has sued Southfield police to get his equipment returned and, after years of declining to say exactly how many people he has helped commit suicide, said the number was 99. (AP Photo/Jeff Kowalsky)

Kevorkianove smrtiace zariadenie, foto: Archív SITA/AP

Jack Kevorkian, foto: Archív SITA/AP