Reprofoto: (@karenxcheng)

Čo je podľa vás vo filme to najdôležitejšie?

V niektorých filmoch nás zaujmú herecké výkony, v iných nám zas vyrazia dych triky, vďaka ktorým sa zdá, že herci prežijú takmer čokoľvek a zvládnu všetko, na čo si len spomenú. Tvorcovia filmov majú zvyčajne vyčlenený nemalý rozpočet, ako však vytvoriť zaujímavé filmografické triky a kúsky takmer bez peňazí tak, aby zároveň pôsobili profesionálne?

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Natáčanie filmov vôbec nie je jednoduchou záležitosťou, neraz si to vyžaduje nielen dávku kreativity, ale aj poriadny rozpočet. Ako však informuje portál Bored Panda, podľa režisérky, ktorá si hovorí Karen X. Cheng, takmer vždy existuje riešenie, ktoré človeka pri tvorbe filmu finančne nezruinuje. Prostredníctvom videí, ktorá Karen pridáva na Instagram vysvetľuje, ako je možné filmografické triky natáčať tak, aby pôsobili profesionálne, no zároveň si nevyžadovali obrovský rozpočet.

Na napodobnenie triku z Hitchcockovho filmu Vertigo použila Karen obyčajnú rybársku udicu.


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New camera accessory: 🎣Sharing part 4 this afternoon: The Shining Twins 🎥This effect is inspired by Hitchcock’s 1958 film, Vertigo. Since then this stairwell shot has been done by many directors, like recently on Mr. Robot. Thanks to @basilassi91 for letting me use his high budget behind-the-scenes footage! 👉Why is the camera rotating, but the final shot stabilized? It’s because I’m using a 360 camera (@insta360 ONE R) that automatically gyro stabilizes, even when the camera is spinning. For a video demo of the stabilization, check out my IG post from May 20th. Director: @karenxcheng Camera: @insta360 ONE R Music: from “Kingdom Come” by @theevsmusic #filmmaking #vertigo #hitchcock #behindthescenes #insta360 #insta360oner #cinematography #cameratrick #stairs

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Karen X (@karenxcheng),

Na tzv. Hitchcock zoom zas použila hračkárske autíčko


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Part 2, playing with my toy truck 🚌 Sharing part 3 tomorrow! 🎥This effect has many names – Hitchcock zoom, dolly zoom, vertigo effect. It was first made by Alfred Hitchcock in ‚Vertigo‘ and has since appeared in a bunch of movies. I’ve always been mesmerized by it! It’s done by moving the camera away from the subject, at the same time as zooming in, all while keeping the subject the same size. Here I’m digitally zooming it in. Works with any camera, even your phone. I recommend using the 4K setting if you have it because you’ll need the highest resolution you can get if you’re going to be digitally zooming in the footage afterwards. I posted a longer tutorial on my IG on April 28th which shows the editing flow. Director: @karenxcheng Edited: with @adobevideo Premiere Pro to do the digital zooming Music: from “Mayhem” by Ian Post and „Alpha Theme“ by Kyle Preston #filmmaking #behindthescenes #hitchcock #dollyzoom #zolly #horror #insta360oner #cinematography #cameratrick

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Karen X (@karenxcheng),

Ako vytvoriť efekt ako v kultovom filme Matrix? Podľa Karen stačí pripnúť kameru ku kúsku povrazu


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Follow @karenxcheng for more video ideas 🎥The original Matrix shot required 120 cameras. Here’s my low budget version with 1 camera! I shot this with the @insta360 ONE R, it’s a 360 camera and they have a “bullettime” feature that automatically stabilizes & edits this for you. However, I edited this one manually so I could adjust the FOV. Credit to @nicovuignier who pioneered this idea back in 2016, he did this while skiing and made a custom aerodynamic rig for his camera. Since then the effect has become really popular with the @insta360 because it self-stabilizes and they have a setting that auto edits it for you. I got the idea for the “bullet machine“ when I saw a kid blowing bubbles in the park. Got plenty of weird stares when I was shooting this, but I’m used to that by now 😂 Director: @karenxcheng Camera: @insta360 ONE R Edited: with @insta360 ONE R + @adobevideo After Effects for speed ramping Music: “Sunny Days” by @stanleygurvich (pretty good for a stock track, huh? I got it from #filmmaking #vfx #matrix #wachowski #insta360 #insta360oner #keanureeves #lowbudgetfilmmaking #movies #cinematography #behindthescenes

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Karen X (@karenxcheng),

Na vytvorenie dvojčaťa ako v hororovom filme The Shining vám stačí obyčajný nástroj v Snapchate

Neviditeľný plášť z Harryho Pottera zas v Zoome napodobníte vďaka obyčajnému zelenému plášťu a niekoľkým kliknutiam


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Follow @karenxcheng for more video ideas Here’s how to do it on your next Zoom call: 1. Take a picture of your room with your webcam (without you in it) 2. Use @zoom virtual background and set the virtual background to the picture of your room. Make sure you keep your computer webcam in the exact same position. 3. Toggle on the „I have a green screen“ and then set it to the color of your blanket. A green blanket works best, but any distinct bright color blanket should work. 4. Disappear yourself! Note: depending on the lighting, you might notice some artifacts along the very edges of your blanket. This is hard to avoid in a live Zoom meeting call, as it’s a limitation of the live green screen feature. In this video example, I made the edges disappear at the very end by editing and merging it with the virtual background image using Premiere #harrypotter #invisibilitycloak #zoomhacks #filmmaking #cameratrick #zoom

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Karen X (@karenxcheng),

Ako vytvoriť zábery ako z profesionálnej reklamy na auto? Vďaka Insta360 hravo zvládnete aj to


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Woo it’s been a crazy few days – to anyone who has DM’d me, sorry if I haven’t had a chance to respond! But if you have a question about how something is shot, please leave it as a comment (rather than DM) – I am more likely to see it that way, especially if it’s on a video I just posted. And if you’re a brand reaching out for me to make a video, please contact via email 👌🏼 ⁣ ⁣ We got this fake drone shot driving down Lombard street in SF and got lots of amused looks from tourists. This 360 camera does a pretty amazing job of stitching out the stick. I’m using the @Insta360 One R but you can use any 360 camera that supports the “invisible selfie stick” feature (the latest @GoPro 360 cameras also support it). The footage you see is just about straight out of the camera, the only edits I made were some wide angle lens distortion correction and color grading. The stick is removed automatically, like magic! Just make sure you don’t drive too fast if you try this shot… we were cruising at about 5mph. ⁣ ⁣ Director: @karenxcheng Driven by @chris_dn and BTS by @danieldearco @wafffleco Gear: @Insta360 One R + Extended Selfie Stick accessory Music: Mornings by Jeff Kaale ⁣ ⁣ Huge shoutout to @jonsimo, I learned how to do this shot from him. Definitely check out his page for his latest 360 camera ideas and shots, he makes the footage look sooo good. ⁣ ⁣ #insta360 #insta360oner #gopro #gopromax #drone #dronephotography #behindthescenes #cinematography #filmmaking #convertible #hyundai #bmw #toyota #tesla #honda #volkswagon #generalmotors #ford #cars #carlovers

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Karen X (@karenxcheng),

Zaujímavé efekty môžete dosiahnuť aj vďaka povrazu a kamere pripevnenej ku zvyšku z toaletného papiera


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⁣Lol so I made a zipline for my camera 🧻🙋🏻‍♀️ Ok to repost with credit: behind the scenes with @karenxcheng shot on @insta360 ONE R ⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣I got this idea when I was trying to come up with shots for my low budget household objects video. My first attempt was attaching an iPhone to my toilet paper roll zipline rig. That didn’t work, it was too wobbly as the camera slid down. So I tried changing cameras (@insta360 ONE R) cause it has good stabilization and that worked! ⁣ ⁣ ⁣Btw I’m giving away this camera on Friday. It’s seriously one of my fav cameras to shoot on bc of how good the stabilization is. Check my stories to get a notification for the giveaway ⁣ ⁣ ⁣Shot by: @karenxcheng ⁣ ⁣Gear: toilet paper roll, fishing line, and @insta360 ONE R camera ⁣ ⁣Music: In That Future Bass by 7 Keys on @audiojungle ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣#insta360 #insta360oner #filmmaking #camera #gopro #gopromax #zipline #behindthescenes #filmmakinglife

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Karen X (@karenxcheng),

Ak ste doma v karanténe, stačí vám na vytvorenie dychberúcich záberov mop či kôš na prádlo


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⁣Shots you can get alone in quarantine🙋🏻‍♀️ 🔁 Ok to repost with credit: @karenxcheng ⁣ ⁣ ⁣Which shot should I post a step-by-step #tutorial for? Vote in my stories! ⁣ ⁣ ⁣👚Laundry Basket ⁣ ⁣You may have seen this effect on TikTok, I thought it’d be interesting to start the shot reversed so that it looks like the phone is levitating rather than dropping. At first I dropped it onto a pillow – BAD IDEA, it bounces off the pillow onto the hard floor. If you want to try this shot, my tip is to use a laundry basket filled with clothes instead . 🧹Broom ⁣ ⁣This is a popular film effect, usually done with a monopod or custom rig. But the swiffer broom in my closet turned out to be perfect for this. If you try this with a regular mop or broom let me know how well it works ⁣ ⁣ ⁣🥢Chopsticks ⁣ ⁣I first tried this shot a few years back during a trip to Japan. Since then, iPhone cameras have gotten even better – when you shoot objects up close you get that natural depth of field effect ⁣ ⁣ ⁣🚌Toy Truck ⁣ ⁣I’d been scratching my head trying to figure out how to do a dolly zoom by myself (usually you need a friend to pull the camera backwards). Turned out a toy truck was perfect for this effect! ⁣ ⁣ ⁣🌀Slinky ⁣ ⁣I first saw @jordi.koalitic use a slinky in his photography, so I thought it’d be interesting to try it in a video when the iPhone wide angle lens came out ⁣ ⁣ ⁣#filmmaking #behindthescenes #howto #diy #stayhome #quarantine

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Karen X (@karenxcheng),

K dokonalému záberu, ktorý by sa hodil do akčného filmu, vám zas postačí kancelárska stolička na kolieskach


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When you wanna get the shot but still save money 🤷🏻‍♀️ Ok to repost with credit: @karenxcheng 🔁 ⁣ ⁣ What a time to be a filmmaker. Shots that used to take tons of expensive equipment and rigging can now be done much more easily, thanks to some developments over the last year – cameras getting much better built-in stabilization and 360 cameras allowing you to reframe shots in post. This is a compilation of the videos I’ve been working on over the last few months ⁣ ⁣ Director: @karenxcheng ⁣ ⁣ 🎬 Low Budget Fight Scene – The camera is strapped to a chest mount. Shot on @Insta360 One X with @getlostwithbrooks @bonam at Clarion Alley Murals ⁣ ⁣ 🎬 Low Budget Dolly Zoom – There’s no gimbal in this shot, so I’m relying on the optical stabilization of the camera itself. The dolly zoom effect was done digitally in post production (zoom in while walking backwards). Google “digital dolly zoom tutorial” to learn how. Shot on @Insta360 Go with @_theboon_ @katmeowz @fannnqie @wafffleco at Venice Beach Canals ⁣ ⁣ 🎬 Low Budget Stairwell Shot – You might’ve noticed the camera is spinning, but the footage is stable. That’s because I’m using a camera that is doing a bunch of gyro and optical stabilization, made possible because it’s a 360 camera. Shot on Insta360 One R with @getlostwithbrooks @bonam at @hotelvertigo ⁣ ⁣ 🎬 Low Budget Interstellar Shot – This shot is inspired by the famous ocean wave scene in Interstellar. The reverse tiny planet effect was actually edited on my iPhone! With the Insta360 One X app (and corresponding One X camera) at Pacifica beach ⁣ ⁣ 🎬 Low Budget Drone Shot – The camera is on a 10-ft stick, and all the tilts and pans you see in camera are actually added in post-production, since the camera is 360 and afterwards you can edit to make it look in any direction. Shot on Insta360 One X + Insta360 extended edition selfie stick, with @theryanmcdowell at Sutro Baths ⁣ ⁣ This is not an ad for Insta360, even though most of my cameras are from there, thanks to the Insta360 team for sending me the gear!! ⁣ ⁣ #insta360 #insta360onex #insta360oner #insta360go #360camera #gopro #gopromax #goprofusion #filmmaking #behindthescenes #director #cinematography

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Karen X (@karenxcheng),

Zábery z vtáčej perspektívny môžete vytvoriť aj bez dronu


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Showing off my drone flying skills 😉 Ok to repost with credit @karenxcheng 🔁 So I have been obsessed with getting a good fake drone shot, and I’ve been trying to get this shot for months actually. I’ve tried it at so many different locations that just weren’t quite right, until I found this location that worked for this idea. To help sell that it’s a drone shot, I’m pretending to hold a drone controller, which is actually just my phone. Then it was many attempts of trying to walk and move as steady as possible. I’m using a 360 camera (the @insta360 one x) so I can choose afterward in the edit which direction I want the camera to point. That means while shooting, I don’t need to worry about what direction the camera is pointing, I just focus on moving it forward as smoothly as possible. The slight rotations, tilts and pans of the camera are all done in After Effects with the GoPro VR Reframe plugin, to make it feel like more of a flying shot and less of a walking shot. directed & edited @karenxcheng “drone” operators @theryanmcdowell and @karenxcheng (actually it’s a @insta360 one X camera on a 10ft stick) The 10 ft stick folds up and fits in my backpack too! Thanks @dogoodjonathan @_theboon_ for helping me test earlier versions of this shot Shoutout to @shanilkawol for the YouTube tutorial on how to use the GoPro VR Reframe plugin, and @jonsimo for getting me to make the leap to After Effects. Check out their pages, their 360 content is 💯 #insta360 #insta360onex #ownthemoment #drone #fpv #dji #droneoftheday #hypersmooth #gopro #gopromax #sutrobaths #landsend #filmmaking #behindthescenes #travelphotography #sanfrancisco

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Karen X (@karenxcheng),

A čo farebná špirála? Stačí, ak sa na chvíľu vrátite do detských čias, zaujímavé efekty vytvoríte aj s pestrou hračkárskou pružinou

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