Ilustračné foto: Unsplash
Foto Archív TASR: Andrei Knyazev po súdnom procese v Moskve (2002)
Ilustračná foto: (Budova OSN) Unsplash
Ilustračná foto: Summit Africkej únie v roku 2020 Delegates attend the opening session of the 33rd African Union (AU) Summit at the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020. Topics on the table for discussion included the situations in Libya and Sudan, as well as President Donald Trump's Middle East initiative. (AP Photo) *** Local Caption *** AÚ
Ilustračná foto: Unsplash
Ilustračná foto: Unsplash
Ilustračná foto: Unsplash
Ilustračná foto: Unsplash