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Voda z rozprašovačov začala striekať na všetky strany a zachránila tak dom.

Nedávne požiare v Los Angeles a jeho okolí napísali množstvo smutných príbehov a desiatky tisíc ľudí pripravili o domovy, no medzi množstvom nepekných osudov sa nájdu aj také, ktoré vyčaria úsmev na tvári.

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Jedným z takýchto je aj príbeh 84-ročného Eugena Gollinga, ktorému unikátny zavlažovací systém zachránil jeho dom v Los Angeles. Muž, pôvodom z Nemecka, si ho kúpil za približne 3600 dolárov, informuje televízia RTL. Ide o systém rozprašovačov, ktorý poháňa podomácky vyrobené čerpadlo a využíva vodu z bazéna.

Na situáciu sa pripravili

Na situáciu pritom bola rodina poctivo pripravená a systém testovali už v auguste minulého roka. Voda z rozprašovačov začala striekať na všetky strany a zachránila tak dom. Hoci bolo okolie spustošené plameňmi, stavba zostala nedotknutá. Rodina následne začala pomáhať aj susedom. There is no doubt in my mind that this generator, pump, pool, sprinkler and fire hose contributed to saving our family home. My dad was so adamant about all the neighbors having one. He was correct as he has been so many times in his career. We ran this equipment for about 10 hours over the course of 2 days. We drained 2 pools… ours and the neighbors. On Wednesday till midnight we soaked the plants and the roof just to come back the next day to find the bottom half of the palm tree burnt along with the whole hillside. Without this, there would be no more house and possibly no more neighbors. Were we lucky? Extremely. Were we prepared? Yes. Were there things we would have done differently? Absolutely. Now we are even more adamant about everyone having one of these especially if you have a pool. If you don’t have a pool there are solutions for water storage. Since we were in the area we did our rounds on the neighbors homes and our dear family friends. We encountered a lot of threatening embers and live fire. It was a challenge to put them all out but we did the best we could with buckets and their pools. If they had this, we would have been 100x more efficient. If anyone is interested in getting one of these or seeing a live demonstration please visit the link in bio for a quick survey. We will gather a list of those interested and make sure everyone has an opportunity to get one to protect their home. They are very budget friendly and easy to operate. I wish I had more videos from it in action on the scene. But, understandably so, we were very occupied. Please like, comment, and share this so we can help our communities to be better prepared. #palisadesfire #californiafire #prayforlosangeles #wildfire #sprinklersystem #california ♬ Overcome – Skott

Kritická situácia v Los Angeles sa pomerne upokojila koncom minulého týždňa. Už v stredu 15. januára pritom prestala platiť väčšina výstrah pred nebezpečenstvom vzniku požiaru. V platnosti zostalo iba varovanie pre lokalitu východne od metropolitnej oblasti.

Požiare zachvátili územie takmer o veľkosti mesta Washington, D.C. a vyžiadali si množstvo obetí. Zároveň došlo k poškodeniu či zničeniu vyše 12 000 domov a iných stavieb. Viac než 200 000 osôb bolo nútených opustiť svoje domovy. Obnova po požiaroch, ktoré zanechali niektoré štvrte Los Angeles v tlejúcich ruinách, si vyžiada ohromujúce náklady v miliardách dolárov, uviedol v pondelok Joe Biden.

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