An Ethiopian relative of a crash victim throws dirt in her own face after realising that there is nothing physical left of her loved one, as she mourns at the scene where the Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed shortly after takeoff on Sunday killing all 157 on board, near Bishoftu, south-east of Addis Ababa, in Ethiopia Thursday, March 14, 2019. About 200 family members of people who died on the crashed jet stormed out of a briefing with Ethiopian Airlines officials in Addis Ababa on Thursday, complaining that the airline has not given them adequate information.
Trúchliaci po havárii letu ET 302, foto: Mulugeta Ayene, Ethiopia, Associated Press
Strety demonštrantov s políciou v Alžírsku, foto: Farouk Batiche, Algeria, Deutsche Presse-Agentur
Muž recituje báseň počas demonštrácií v Chartúme, foto: Yasuyoshi Chiba, Japan, Agence France-Presse
Foto: Tomek Kaczor, Poland, for Duży Format, Gazeta Wyborcza
Priateľka zraneného kurdského vojaka počas návštevy nemocnice v Sýrii, foto: Ivor Prickett, Ireland, for The New York Times
Muž s granátometom počas oficiálnej výstavy, foto: Nikita Teryoshin, Russia
Foto: Romain Laurendeau, France
Protesty v Hong Kongu, foto: Nicolas Asfouri, Denmark, Agence France-Presse
An Ethiopian relative of a crash victim throws dirt in her own face after realising that there is nothing physical left of her loved one, as she mourns at the scene where the Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed shortly after takeoff on Sunday killing all 157 on board, near Bishoftu, south-east of Addis Ababa, in Ethiopia Thursday, March 14, 2019. About 200 family members of people who died on the crashed jet stormed out of a briefing with Ethiopian Airlines officials in Addis Ababa on Thursday, complaining that the airline has not given them adequate information.
Boj hasičov s požiarom v Kalifornii, foto: Noah Berger, United States, for Associated Press
Samica polárneho medveďa s mláďaťom v blízkosti lode Polarstern, ktorá je súčasťou aktuálne prebiehajúcej expedície MOSAIC, foto: Esther Horvath, Hungary, for The New York Times
People chant slogans as a young man recites a poem, illuminated by mobile phones, before the opposition's direct dialog with people in Khartoum on June 19, 2019. - People chanted slogans including "revolution" and "civil" as the young man recited a poem about revolution. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP)
Dva rysy zachytené v Pyrenejách vydesené výstrelom poľovníkov, foto: Antonio Pizarro Rodriguez, Spain, Diario De Sevilla
Mláďa orangutana nájdené so zranenou matkou na plantáži plamového oleja, foto: Alain Schroeder, Belgium
Oslavy v Liverpoole po získaní titulu Ligy majstrov, foto: Oli Scarff, United Kingdom, Agence France-Presse
Topiaci sa permafrost na Sibíri, foto: Katie Orlinsky, United States, for National Geographic
Členka ženského futbalového tímu Gazelles de Gouandé z Beninu, foto: Olivier Papegnies, Belgium
Požiare v Austrálii, foto: Matthew Abbott, Australia, Panos Pictures, for The New York Times
Tigra ako domáce zvieratá. V USA ich takto žije viac ako vo voľnej prírode a v zoologických záhradách po celom svete, foto: Steve Winter, United States, for National Geographic