Dnes prebiehali písomné maturity z cudzích jazykov.
Maturanti majú za sebou už druhý deň. Kým prvý riešili slovenčinu, z ktorej sme vám priniesli aj kvíz, dnes boli na rade cudzie jazyky.
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Tak ako včera, keď sme vám priniesli kvíz zo slovenského jazyka a literatúry, aj dnes sme sa rozhodli pripraviť si pre vás kvíz, tentoraz z anglického jazyka úrovne B1.
Úlohy z maturít boli použité so súhlasom NIVaM. Riešenia úloh nie sú autorským dielom NIVaM a NIVaM nezodpovedá za ich obsah a ani za prípadné chyby. Oficiálne kľúče správnych odpovedí zverejní NIVaM na webovej stránke nucem.sk.
Poznámka: Kvíz sa bude týkať vybranej časti z testu, kde mali maturanti dopĺňať slová do súvislého textu. Vy to tak budete mať jednoduchšie, lebo sme vám doplnili správnu aj nesprávne možnosti, pričom maturanti tu museli doplniť slovo na základe svojich vedomostí. Posledné tri otázky sme zobrali z inej časti testu, kde mali maturanti do viet dopĺňať slová z ponuky 4 možností.
In the winter, what’s better than to come home and find that a hot, hearty dinner has magically cooked ____ while you were out.
Slow cookers aren’t expensive to buy and are very economical and energy-efficient ____ use.
They work extremely well with cheaper cuts of meat or meat on the bone, _____ as chicken thighs, pork shoulder or beef ribs. Slow cooking makes the meat become soft so that it will fall off the bone and melt in your mouth.
A slow-cooked dish needs minimal preparation. Switch the pot ____ and let it warm up while you prepare your ingredients. Chop and fry the onions and garlic. Roll the meat in flour and brown it in the frying pan to seal in the flavour.
Peel and chop the rest of the vegetables – hard vegetables ____ potatoes and root vegetables work particularly well in the slow cooker, but you can use almost _____ sort of vegetables you like.
Then simply put it ____into the ceramic pot with some liquid, for example, stock, wine or beer or you can add ____tin of tomatoes.
Add your herbs or spices. Put the glass lid on and leave it. You ____need to do anything ____ – just come home six to eight hours later, and your dinner will be bubbling gently in the pot, ready to eat. You can even add pasta or dumplings during the last hour for the ultimate in one pot cooking.
Today, Fender is considered one of the top guitar brands in the world, along with Gibson and perhaps Ibanez. The brand, created in the 1940s by Leo Fender in the United States, 00 a leading example in the string instrument market over time. Its body curves like a sea _____ . Six strings stretch along its neck.
Its shape and sound have ____many musicians: the Fender guitar. The two core models have remained in production since day one.
Today, there is a selection of Fender instruments to choose from with something to ___ all players.
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