Levi Strauss, a young immigrant from Germany, arrived in San Francisco in 1850 ____ California was in the middle of the Gold Rush.
Thousands of men ____ to dig for gold and Levi Strauss wanted to sell canvas to them. Canvas is a heavy material and so Levi Strauss thought the miners could use it for tents
One day Strauss heard a miner ____ that he couldn’t find clothes strong enough for the work he was doing. Strauss got an idea and quickly took some of his canvas and made it into trousers
Later, he wanted to ____ his jeans and bought a fabric that was softer than canvas but just ____ strong.
This material came from Nimes, a city in France, and was called serge de Nimes. The miners liked this material and called it ‘denim’ (from de Nimes). However, denim had ____ colour
Because of this, the denim trousers did not look very interesting and got dirty ____ . To solve this problem, Strauss dyed the denim blue.
One of Strauss’s customers, Jacob Davis, found a way of making trousers ____ longer by putting metal at the corners of pockets. Cut from nine-ounce denim, these trousers had a straight leg, five pockets. In 1934, Levi’s produced the first jeans for women.
During World War II, the US government decided that Levi’s were important to the war effort, and production was controlled to ____ the prices low. In 2020, Americans voted Levi’s classic 501s the most iconic fashion ____ of all time.
So far, six robotic Mars rovers ____ landed on the planet to search for signs of life.
Apart from the low temperatures, lack of water, radiation and toxic soil, the planet has a dust storm season, during which fine dust particles block the sunlight ____ months.
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