Learning a language is more than knowing enough words to use. Attention should also be given on _______to say, and more importantly what not to say!
Now, take a quick look at things you shouldn’t talk about in the UK. It’s said that ‘money talks’. Whether you believe it or _______, it’s better to leave that talking to the money itself. Money is number one topic for Brits.
Asking how _______money someone earns, is not polite. The next biggest set of taboos in the UK is all about personal information.
This includes health, age, weight and can _______ extend to profession.
Správna odpoveď bola taktiež "also".
Never ask a person’s age, _______ you don’t want to be unpopular.
Správna odpoveď bola tiež "when".
A person’s age is their business and important to no one _______.
Even on their birthday, wishes should be given _______ a number!
Weight and body shape should not be commented on in the UK. Whether you think a person is too skinny, or overweight, or broad‑shouldered or wide‑hipped – this information should be kept to _______ . Discussing another person’s weight or body shape with a third party is also bad form.
When it comes to giving compliments, it can also be a bit of minefield: just liking someone’s shape _______ give you the right to express it, unless your opinion is asked _______. If you’re finding it hard to find a topic to talk about, talk about the weather, a film, sport or the holidays – they’re all safe topics that are never taboo.
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