Aj vy sa určite dennodenne stretávate na sociálnych sieťach s fotografiami, na ktoré keď sa pozriete, poviete si „wau“. Dokonalá postava, šťastný zamilovaný pár, nádherné pozadie, jednoducho všetko zachytené v dokonalom okamihu. Vytvoriť dokonalú fotografiu si vyžaduje veľa úsilia, veď to poznáme všetci. Kým sa rozhodneme uverejniť nejakú našu, tiež sa odfotíme viackrát, použijeme filtre a snažíme sa dosiahnuť tú neexistujúcu dokonalosť.
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Blogggerka Millie Smith sa ale rozhodla bojovať proti stereotypom a ukazuje život taký, aký v skutočnosti naozaj je. A my samozrejme v ňom. Tieto fotografie si získali tisíce ľudí po celom svete a sú naozaj dôvtipné. Millie nás inšpirovala k tomu, aby sme sa zamysleli nad skutočnosťou na internete a skutočnosťou v živote. Motivačné fotografie dostanú aj vás.
V ten istý deň
Uvoľnený vs. napnutý
Rozdiel medzi týmito fotografiami je len 30 sekúnd
Same girl, same body, same place, same time. STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO POSED PHOTOGRAPHS! STOP COMPARING YOURSELF AT ALL! YOU ARE YOU! Neither pose makes me a better person, neither pose defines my worth. When we can change our bodies this much in a photograph we can see even more so how basing our worth on the way we look or how others look is just insane, fickle and just not ok! Being body positive doesn't mean loving your body in a certain pose or when you've lost a few pounds; it means loving every angle, movement and squish right this very moment!! Wether you lose weight, gain weight, gain muscle, gain fat-ITS OK! Don't fear change, our bodies will never stay the same and fighting against it won't help, let your body move through life as it wishes, let it take up as much space as it wants and let it LIVE! Forgetting what we've been told all our lives is hard but 'ideals' come and go and beauty standards change so keeping up with them would be impossible, exhausting and a waste of a life -the one constant is your body, your wonderful vessel that guides you through, show it some care, some love and some respect. You deserve this.
A post shared by Milly🌻 (@selfloveclubb) on Jan 4, 2017 at 12:18pm PST
Na sociálnych sieťach vs v skutočnom živote
It's been a while since I've done a posed vs relaxed but I know how many of you guys love them ❤️ . Both of these poses are beautiful. The media would try to tell me only one of them is but NAAHHHH because that comes from an ignorant, one-sided, profit making, beauty ideal that I AINT HERE FOR. . Our bodies move, grow and change shape all day everyday. It's been hounded on us for so long that only a still image in which we are posed and tensed is beautiful but it's simply not true… jiggle, rolls, fat, cellulite, extra skin (fanx pregnancy I love ya) are glorious, beautiful and REAL. . I could 'pose' all my photos, make myself fit a little better into the mould that society wants me to but then i would miss out on being my glorious self, further strengthen the hold the media's 'beauty ideal' has on us and put out a message I don't want to send… . Love yourself for who you are in this moment ❤️ . These are not control underwear, just high waisted briefs and my underwear set is from @bouxavenue
A post shared by Milly🌻 (@selfloveclubb) on Sep 8, 2017 at 11:03am PDT
Instagram vs. realita
Gym selfies. Let's talk about them. I'm sure you're all aware of the epically fake gym selfies going around and the white, slim, tall, photoshopped, filtered etc women who are a part of them and I'm pretty sure many of you have scrolled through with envy and wished you could look the same when in reality 90% of those people don't look like that anyway and you are seeing them from one angle, one highly posed and tensed angle. Now I'm not saying gym selfies or selfies of any kind are bad! If you want to take a selfie in the gym then go for it sistaaaa, just know that every angle of your body is beautiful. Every angle can be celebrated. I used to gym a lot but recently I haven't been able to, my mental health, endo and the fact that I have a child have prevented me from doing so. I enjoy the gym and it gives me a mood boost so I do want to try and go more for self love practise. I don't really talk about my gym time much as I don't want to be a negative source of comparison for anyone struggling with over exercising. A GYM SELFIE ISN'T AN INDICATION OF HEALTH OR SELF WORTH. Recovering from an eating disorder and over exercising at a young age meant I had to learn to exercise for me, not just for aesthetics or as punishment. I had to learn that its okay to take 2 years off whilst I birthed my son, it was okay to take a year off to relax when my body was recovering, healing from intense care, fears of losing my life and weeks in hospital at the peak of anorexia. I had to learn that I love my body and therefore I want to get it moving from time to time to keep healthy for myself and my son, this can be a little walk to the shop or an hour bouncing about it the gym to music, whatever makes me happy at the time. If going to the gym drains you and you hate it or if leaves feeling guilty if you don't go then stop. Just stop going. There are tons of other exercises you can do, you don't need to force yourself to do the 'in thing'. Do what makes you happy, always ⭐️💚 Ps. All I did in these gym clothes was eat brownies and dairy free ice cream. Big thanks to @caam95_ for the love today to keep me going/motivated.
A post shared by Milly🌻 (@selfloveclubb) on Dec 8, 2016 at 7:53am PST
Uhol pohľadu
Rozdiel medzi fotografiami je len niekoľko sekúnd
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