Každý sa snaží zákazníkov prilákať inak. Niekto ponúka výhodné ceny a niekto zas zaujímavé hotely, ktoré by ste nikde inde nenašli. Luxusné izby, krásny výhľad či nádherná príroda už nestačia, a tak nové hotely rastú v zaujímavých lokalitách, ako napríklad na vrcholoch hôr či vo vnútri jaskýň. Čím jedinečnejšie miesto majiteľ hotela nájde, tým viac zákazníkov priláka.
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Äscher Cliff, Švajčiarsko
Hotel Kakslauttanen, Fínsko
🇫🇮Kakslauttanen Hotel, Saariselkä, Finland I TRUDGED up the snowy hill, head bent against the freezing wind with my overnight kit under my arm, trying to make my way through the snow in the arctic dark. The Hotel Kakslauttanen, in the tiny Finnish town of Saariselka, had turned off the walkway lights to prevent glare and give me a clearer view of the sky. That would have been considerate if I had already been in place to see the northern lights, but I was running late getting to my accommodations and I could barely see where I was walking. But what accommodations they were. I was about to spend my first night in a glass igloo, a jewel-like one-room (plus a tiny bathroom) glass enclosure that allows you to marvel at the aurora borealis from bed. The 20 igloos were built by Jussi Eiramo, the owner of the hotel, for just that purpose and attract people from around the world. This is northern lights country, and Mr. Eiramo said he got the igloo idea after seeing people outside in the cold at night, staring at the sky in hope. “Better to see the lights in a warm place in bed,” he thought and started construction in 1999. Spending a night in an igloo is magical. Lying in bed, looking up at the sky, is like camping under the stars, but with the heat on. The igloos are adorable and incredibly romantic. (Unfortunately, my traveling companion was not my wife, but my friend Chuck.) The British couple two igloos down couldn’t find their igloo in the dark, either, and had to call the reception desk from their cellphone for assistance. It also doesn’t help that here above the Arctic Circle we were getting only about four hours of dusklike sunlight a day. Management helps by including a tiny flashlight in the leather case that holds the door key. The handy case also has a bottle opener for when you eventually find your room. How thoughtful. A village of glass igloos is built in three rows on a hill about a chilly 10-minute walk from the main guest cabins. My cabin had a king-sized bed in one room and bunk beds in the other, along with a small kitchen, a shower and a personal sauna. – By JAMES SCHEMBARI NY Times #youshouldgo#youshouldgo #rika
A post shared by Rika Lisslö (@rika_verified) on Jul 11, 2016 at 5:02pm PDT
Ladera Resort, Svätá Lucia
Manta Resort, Zanzibar
Rayavadee Krabi, Thajsko
Shangri La, Francúzsko
Hotel Ristorante Grotta Palazzese Polignano a Mare, Taliansko
Conrad Maldives, Rangali Island
Hotel Ubud Hanging Gardens, Indonézia
Attrap Reves Hotel, Francúzsko
Katikies Hotel-Oia, Grécko
Hotel Le Sirenuse, Amalfi, Taliansko
Jukkasjarvi Ice Hotel, Švédsko
Cambrian Hotel, Adelboden, Švédsko
Dedon Island Resort, Filipíny
Homestead Resort and Spa, USA
Villa Escudero, Filipíny
Hotel-Restaurant Öschinensee, Švédsko
Astarte Suits Hotel, Grécko
Santorini feels 🇬🇷
A post shared by FILIPPO CESARINI (@filippo_cesarini) on Oct 13, 2017 at 8:40am PDT
Juvet Landscape Resort, Nórsko
Montana Magica Lodge, Čile
Giraffe Manor, Keňa
Laucala Island Resort, Fidži
Fiji 💙
A post shared by Trip ♥️ Fun 🌿Love 🌴 (@viagemadois2017) on Oct 5, 2017 at 3:34pm PDT
A post shared by God Knows Best⚱️ (@sonia.vonisoa) on Oct 13, 2017 at 4:27am PDT
Pozri aj: 10+ vtipných a zaujímavých fotografií, ktoré vás presvedčia o tom, že aj služby v hoteloch môžu byť kreatívne
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