foto: Instagram (@jeremiahpetersonmontana)

Tento muž je dôkazom, že nikdy nie je neskoro na zmenu. Všetky ostatné sú výhovorky, ktoré si sami vytvárame.

Jeremiah Peterson, muž tesne pred prahom štyridsiatky sa na prvý pohľad ničím nelíšil od ostatných oteckov. Voľný čas trávil pred televízorom, popíjajúc pivo, bruško mu prevísalo cez opasok nohavíc, pričom na aktívny životný štýl nemal dostatok času. Aspoň to tvrdil. Všetko sa však zmenilo počas jednej túry, ktorá mu ukázala, ako je na tom mizerne so svojou kondičkou. Vedel, že ak chce stíhať za deťmi, bude musieť niečo so sebou urobiť. A to skôr, než bude úplne neskoro. 

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Muž spomína na výlet, ktorý mu zmenil život. Navonok sa na ňom možno nestalo nič podstatné, avšak v Jeremiahovom vnútri sa niečo zmenilo. „Pozeral som sa na svoje 6, 7 a 9-ročné deti. Vedel som, že ak to pôjde takto ďalej, naozaj nebudem stačiť ich tempu. Chcel som žiť plnohodnotný život otca, ktorý nemá problém aktívne tráviť čas s deťmi,“ napísal na svojom Instagrame. Spomínaný výlet sa odohral v auguste minulý rok, pričom odvtedy prešiel takou neuveriteľnou zmenou, až ho prestáva spoznávať okolie. S pupkatého tatina sa stal muž, ktorému telo môže závidieť nejeden dvadsiatnik.

Stačí tá správna motivácia

Jeremiah sa prihlásil do súťaže, v ktorej môže vyhrať až 250-tisíc dolárov. Dôležité bolo uskutočniť výraznú zmenu. Muž sa do toho pustil s plnou vervou, vediac, že už nebude cesty späť. Za 6 mesiacov zhodil 37 kilogramov, a z konfekčnej veľkosti 42 prešiel na veľkosť 33. A ako to dosiahol? Držal prísnu ketogenickú diétu, každý deň sa vybral na dvojhodinovú túru, a to bez ohľadu na počasie. Aby toho nebolo málo, pridal ešte jednu hodinu denne v posilňovni. Tento tvrdý režim však stál za to. Pozrite sa, ako sa zmenil na nepoznanie.

Obyčajný tato troch detí vs. muž, ktorý si dal na sebe záležať

👉🏼PHOTO BEFORE AUGUST 4th AND AFTER PHOTO JANUARY 8th 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Go beyond showing up and doing the work. Part of why I keep making these side by sides is because I want my daily wins to be more powerful. For myself. I think so often people believe that there is a finish line. That once you pass that invisible thresh hold that your world will stay that way, that your bank account will stay at a great number, that you won’t have to think about staying in shape anymore, that you won’t have to think about making your wife fall in love with you everyday like the first day, that you won’t have to keep striving. But that’s bull crap. I want to remember how easy it was to slide down to that and that I have to DO THE WORK to be in the best shape of my life daily. Yes I have goals for later in the year but I have to focus on today. By remembering everyday where I came from and tell myself daily I’m not going back. It would have been really easy to slide into Christmas and New Years just like I always have. But I want more. So no days off. Stay active. Stay hungry. This isn’t just a physical transformation for me. I have some things that I have to do. It’s what I wake up thinking about. What I fall asleep dreaming about. It’s what I want to fight for and NEVER fall back into a timid place of complacency and acceptance. Because God knows I am thankful for all I have. But He also put me here to be great. To provide in more ways than I have for my family. To push the envelope in our businesses. To proof every enemy, well meaning friend and family member wrong. That there can be more. That I have more to give and do. And it all starts with what I do today. And each day. To tally it up to a HUGE win. . #wintheday #dothework #nofinishline #wedothework #nodaysoff #winthemoment #gobeyond #win #imnotdone

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Zmeniť sa dá za naozaj krátky čas

BEFORE PHOTO- AUGUST 4th AFTER PHOTO- DECEMBER 23rd Total Weight Loss 82 Lbs (Please leave me comment on my transformation.)👊🏻 👉🏼I've been asked many times how it that 150 day (July 25th-December 23rd) transformation even possible? . The truth is the honest to God answer is I did the work! . Two 45 minute trail hikes every morning one before work and one after work with a hour long weight training session every single day! . No Days off!!! I did the work!!! There was not one day that when I laid my head on my pillow that night all tired and worn out that I did not feel like I had won that day. . I can’t stand the picture on the left. @andyfrisella talks a lot in his podcasts about negativity and how everyone has a dark side. -Those pictures are extremely powerful resources of fuel and drive for me. -There is no better way to gauge our process than against ourselves. Being our own greatest competition. I want to crush that guy on the left. I want to crush that guy on the right. Look. Sometimes you have to stare that hate and anger in the face and source your power from it to CREATE some awesomely positive things in this life. -Don’t be afraid of it. -Don’t hide from it. Stare your fat ass in the face and choose who is going to win. We have this ONE LIFE TO LIVE. Each day that we are not living to our fullest potential is a waste of the precious time that we are allotted. I want to wake up every morning with an excitement and a drive to create something unique and incredible. I want to go to sleep exhausted every single night knowing I did everything I could that day to make my life better, my family’s life better and maybe in some small way the world around me a little bit better. Frederick Buechner said “One life on this earth is all that we get, whether it is enough or not enough, and the obvious conclusion would seem to be that at the very least we are fools if we do not LiVE iT aS FuLLY and BRaVELY and BeauTiFuLLY as we can.” @1stphorm #iam1stphorm #100to0 #1stphorm #workforit #dothework #1stphorm #neversettle #wintheday

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V prírode trávi každú voľnú chvíľu

My hiking buddy CASH. 🐶 Every morning. Every night since day ONE. Even on the days where I didn't feel like it. Because he was ALWAYS ready to hit the trail for a good hike and would let me know we were not going to miss with some whimpers or a bark. 👉🏼He was the best #transphormation Buddy a guy could have. The ones that walk by your side and push you forward to grow and evolve are the ones who mean the most. Thank you, Cash!!! 💪💪💪 @1stphorm #100to0 #thanksbuddy #iam1stphorm #1stphorm #neversettle #legionofboom #mytransphormationstartstoday #mytransphormation #transphormation #doggy #wedothework #duespaid #mansbestfriend #trailpartner #trailhike #miles #doggo #mountaintrail #dogwalker #mansbestworkoutpartner #wedidthework #dogs #dogslife🐶

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Rodina je preňho neskutočnou oporou

Summers in Montana are my favorite because of all the outdoor activities and my entire family always comes out to visit. I have 3 sisters so of course they want to take tons of pictures which I hate normally but this summer was especially uncomfortable. I remember looking through the few pictures I actually agreed to step into and hated how I looked…in every single picture. So I made a decision that that wasn't going to happen anymore. I found the 1st Phorm challenge and few weeks later and knew that would be the napalm to my fire. The picture on the left was taken July 18th. The picture on the right was taken December 23rd. I still see changes that need to be made. I still see where work has to be done. I'm not even close to being done. The thing is now having busted my butt day and night I see how it's reflected and changed my entire life, not just my confidence for pictures. I have a new confidence in my life. My business, my family and all the goals I want to accomplish for the future. @1stphorm #beforeandafter #dothework #wedothework #mytransphormationstartstoday #mytransphormation #transformation #weightlosstransformation

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Všetky prekážky sú len v hlave

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯👉🏼People have been asking me what my nutrition has been in order to achieve my results in the last 150 days. I am an open book. And I want to share so here it is… I am a carnivore through and through. Born and raised in Montana hunting and having a freezer full of venison which is naturally all grass fed for my family's healthy eating habits. My nutrition for the last 150 days closely followed the keto diet guidelines but I like to keep my protein a little higher than what a true keto diet calls for. Proteins I mainly kept to elk, deer, extra lean ground turkey, chicken & turkey breasts, salmon and white fish. I kept my fats high with avocado, coconut oil, grass fed butter, olive oil and almond butter. I tried to keep my carb intake relatively low. Riced sweet potatoes and cauliflower were in almost every meal. I just varied the amount and timed my intake according to my workouts. For greens I ate primarily asparagus, green beans, broccoli and brussel sprouts. If I felt hungry, I ate. I didn't feel restricted at all. I didn't track my macros it was just a trial and error process that I watched closely by weighing in every day and taking tons of selfies to see what was working and what wasn't. But that also doesn't mean I would switch it up right away if I didn't see immediate results. I trusted the process of doing the work and seeing how my body responded. I know this diet isn't for everyone but it's what worked for me. I will continue to eat like this for the foreseeable future. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. These before and after photos are 150 days apart July 25th to December 23rd (5 Months). Please comment below if you have any questions or leave me a comment on how you think I did in my @1stphorm #transphormation #100to0 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 #mytransphormationstartstoday #mytransphormation #transphormation #150days #5months #weightloss #weightlossjourney #transformforlife #1#weightlosstransformation #transformation #bodytransformation #duespaid #wedothework #neverdone #newgoals

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Chudnutie sa nezaobíde bez vyváženej stravy a potravinových doplnkov

Verí, že jeho zmena inšpiruje aj ďalších mužov, ktorí bojuju sami so sebou

Kedysi sa hanbil za svoje telo, dnes ho vystavuje na obdiv

So often. . So many of us. . We look in the mirror and all we see is the past. . We see and remember past experiences. . So often. So many of us. Foolishly allow those past voices, critics, experiences to define us. The truth is we all struggle. Whether we talk about it or not. But remember it’s in those last reps filled with lactic acid and discomfort that we really see what we are made of. Those moments of utter discomfort. Face it. Struggle can EMPOWER us. Only if we choose to set our minds to a GROWTH MINDSET. Been told your whole life you were nothing? . Use that. Burn through that. Let go of that rerun, that familiar way. . . . Take what you need- get out and create something new. Design your life. Live 100-0!! . @1stphorm #wedothework #100to0 #iam1stphorm #1stphorm

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Roboty sa určite nebojí

👉🏼I read a post that @andyfrisella posted earlier and I loved it. Andy broke down life lessons that chopping wood can bring. It brought a smile to my face. Mostly because I had literally chopped wood for my family just hours before he posted it. It is something I have to do daily! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Growing up in Montana we only used a wood burning stove for the main source of heat in the house. I can remember waking up in the mornings not wanting to get out of bed because the house turned into an icicle over night. ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ As the only boy in the family, I have three sisters, I was the one who went to chop and carry wood in to the house with my Dad. Of course as a kid I hated it. Not everyone wants to chop wood and even if they do…I think they underestimate how much goes into actually doing it. Especially on snowy mornings like it was this morning. As I walked outside this morning to go chop wood the temperature gauge read -2 degrees. Ah no. That isn't a mistake. -2 degrees. My family needed it to keep warm. So I chopped the wood. #dothework #wedothework #100to0 #iam1stphorm @1stphorm

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Teraz ťahá do prírody aj svoje deti

Ak sa vám nechce začať, skúste si ešte raz prezrieť fotografie tohto muža. Všetkým ukázal, že ani v 39-tke nie je neskoro na začiatok. Kde je vôľa, tam je aj cesta. Všetko ostatné sa poskladá.

Pozri aj: Vážil 200 kilogramov a takmer sa ujedol na smrť. Najobéznejší chlapec na svete po operácii úspešne zhodil 80 kilogramov
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