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Stefan Kuhnigk je umelcom z nemeckého Hamburgu, ktorého diela v sebe kombinujú 3 veci, ktoré mnohí ľudia milujú – kreativitu, výstrednosť a kávu. Jeho “kariéra” sa začala vyliatím kávy v kancelárii a dnes má dokonca už svoju vlastnú knihu, kde svoje rozkošné príšerky publikoval. Výber jeho najlepších prác priniesol portál Brightside

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Svoj proces popisuje tak, že kávu na papier rozleje náhodne – potom niekoľko dní premýšľa, čo v škvrne vidí, a samotné kreslenie príšery mu potom trvá len cca 30 minút. Ktorá vás chytí za srdce najviac?

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#coffeemonsters 508 . Today i wanted to make a point about love in a video. Thats what should fuel the world. Love. Hate sucks and well… i hope people will realize that one day. Here is my little effort to make some of you a little more happy and a little more creatively inspired. Tag those who you love and semd out a hug for humanity. Much love to you all! And i mean: All! . Story: Here we see Thingo and Thongo running towards each other in pure joy, realizing love may be the only answer – well, and eating all human life because for obvious reasons monsters don't need humans. 😉 . Follow me drawing THIS monsters on . Snapchat me via „thecoffeemonstr“ . Made from best coffee, coffeemonsters are a more or less daily thing. . Tags: #coffee #illustration #coffeemonstersart #coffeelover #kaffeemonster #monster #art #design #kaffee #coffeeshop #coffeepainting #coffeeart #draw #espresso #paper #story #Inspiration #drawing #hope #peace #lovenotwar #love #hug

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the coffeemonsters #600 . #600 – the story – Mandrulia wanted t show her skills in ball-throwing, not realizing she threw so hard, the ball flew once around the globe and came back, right at her smiling face. She was surprised, but also a bit proud when she sat at the doctors and got her new teeth. 😉 . . This is it. 600 coffeemonsters and still rolling. Never expected to get this far, but now the next 100 has fallen and i can just go on with that. I wanted this to be very special and thought about a lot of special things to do with the number, but then realized: every monster is special. . And so are you all, looking and reading right now. Thank you so much for following along and for getting in touch for a nice chat, for real projects of for checking out if i could draw something for you real quick. Hehe. . #601 follows when this get's at least 601 likes! <3 . #thecoffeemonsters #coffeemonster #600 #celebrate #coffee #monster #lovely #fetch #ball #catch #arms #training #throwing #worldrecord #throwball #teeth #smile #everlastingsmile #🥳 #😁

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#coffeemonsters 511 . Story: Muertus was not very pleased as he saw, that in the near future a hero would come and behead him. But well. Perhaps it was failed magic again. He was not a good evil magician at all. So he just sighed and went on with trying to rule the world. 😉 . Follow me drawing monsters monsters on . Snapchat me via „thecoffeemonstr“ . Made from best coffee, coffeemonsters are a more or less daily thing. . Tags: #coffee #illustration #coffeemonstersart #coffeelover #kaffeemonster #monster #art #design #kaffee #coffeeshop #coffeepainting #coffeeart #draw #espresso #paper #story #Inspiration #drawing #evil #magician #magic #glass #ball

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#coffeemonsters 586 ✍️ . You need a coffee from time to time. Even as a coffeemonster. And even if your body in its entiety literally IS coffee. … . The FB needs attention: . Some overused Tags: #coffee #illustration #coffeemonstersart #coffeelover #kaffeemonster #monster #art #☕️#kaffee #coffeeshop #coffeepainting #coffeeart #draw #espresso #cafe #pencil #Inspiration #drawing #instacoffee #rorschach #latteart #thenewcoffee #morecoffee #moreart #artsy Three more: #drink #cup #straw . Follow me drawing monsters on the tube: . Made from moderately good coffee, coffeemonsters are a more or less daily thing by artist Stefan Kuhnigk whom is also to find here: @dontblameme

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#coffeemonsters 445 If you are a monster made from coffee you would not like the headline 'coffee is out' and would probably go batshit crazy. This one eyed monster just handles it well but is surprised as well as you are! 😜 Made from best coffee, coffeemonsters are a daily thing. Join the Monsters on If you are interested in owning an original coffeemonster just message me: stefan[at] Tagwords for instagram and twitter: #coffeemonstersart #coffee #illustration #coffeelover #kaffeemonster #monster #coffeeporn #art #design #graphic #coffeeshop #artsy #handmade #idea #draw #espresso #paper #story #Inspiration #drawing #creative #sketch #latte #sweet #cafe #newspaper #surprise #latteart 🌊🎶

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#coffeemonsters 501 You should not mistake those flowers for a gift. This monster likes to eat female humans way more than male humans. Nomnomnom. 💐 😉 Find some COFFEEMONSTER-PRINTS at: Follow me drawing monsters on Snapchat me via „thecoffeemonstr“ Made from best coffee, coffeemonsters are a more or less daily thing. Monsterlovers love Tags: #coffee #illustration #coffeemonstersart #coffeelover #kaffeemonster #monster #art #design #kaffee #coffeeshop #coffeepainting #coffeeart #draw #espresso #paper #story #Inspiration #drawing #international #coffeeday #flowers #flower #blossom 🌊🎶☕️

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#repost #thecoffeemonsters #eyes #coffee #coffeemonsters

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