Tieto kresby vám netradičným spôsobom ukážu, ako sa ľudia snažia skrývať svoje emócie.

Keď sa pozriete na kresby tohto švédskeho ilustrátora, Milesa Johnstona, budete mať zaručene zimomriavky. Kreslením týchto kresieb strávi Miles niekedy až 30 hodín. Všetky jeho nápady k nemu prichádzajú prostredníctvom životných skúseností, a práve preto vyzerajú tak pravdivo a reálne. Pri pohľade na tieto temné, čiernobiele kresby máte pocit, že sa vaše najtemnejšie myšlienky a emócie stávajú skutočnými a ovplyvňujú vaše telo. Sú to tváre, ktoré nám aj bez slov povedia veľmi veľa.

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Dazzled I like to keep up a steady diet of podcasts, lectures and audiobooks while I'm working on drawings to help keep a flow of new information coming in. Over the past couple years I have listened to some really great Buddhist speakers talk about the concept of impermanence and the kinds of suffering it can cause. I think this seems fairly obvious to most people when we think about the bigger things, the loss of relationships, the death of ourselves and everyone we will ever know, the collapse of entire civilisations, or maybe even the inevitable demise of our planet as it gets swallowed up by our Sun turning into a red giant. It wasn't actually any of those things that my mind went to first, instead it was with older mundane memories of totally absurd dissatisfaction around normal day to day moments that it resonated most strongly. It actually feels almost embarrassing or self indulgent to write this example down, but in the spirit of honesty I will anyway. It used to be a really exciting occasion when my dad would order a pizza delivery instead of us eating home cooking. I remember one moment, where right as I was totally immersed in that momentum of desire and hunger before you begin eating a delicious meal, this strange realisation and sadness came over me. No matter how delicious, no matter how long it took, no matter how intense the pleasure of eating, soon enough it would inevitably be over. Once it had come to pass, it didn't seem to matter how good the food had been, in some sense the hunger had all been a lie, it was still now, I was still me and the satisfaction it had promised could never last. It felt like the pizza was already gone before I even began eating it. The pull into the future of the hunger would be replaced by tiredness, thirst, boredom or pain. It bothered me because I couldn't shake the feeling that somehow my whole life would pass in exactly the same manner. No matter what I did, what peaks of ecstacy I reached or which depths of suffering I was unfortunate enough to endure, I had this horrible feeling that it ultimately didn't matter.(No matter how long and full the life I lived) You can extrapolate to the extreme, just for..

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A dumb sketchbook page of some spagoop

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Scanned this page

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