Svoje kresby venuje práve svojej rodine.

Táto talentovaná umelkyňa kreslí pod pseudonymom Soosh. Jej kresby sú na prvý pohľad nenápadné, no v skutočnosti zachytávajú práve tie najsilnejšie a najvrúcnejšie emócie. Kreslí totiž chvíle, ktoré zažíva so svojou rodinou. Ako sa hovorí – rodinu si nevyberáme. Ak by ste však tú svoju nemenili za nič na svete, po prezretí týchto obrázkov ju budete mať chuť celú vyobjímať. 

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• dollhouse surprise • . . Beware! A text of many letters and great sentiments is ahead! 🤗⚠️ . . When Little Brown @littlebrownyoungreaders and myself were creating “Dad by my side” book filled with illustrations you showed so much love for 🙏, we came up with this idea to add a couple of illustrations exclusively for this book, and so we did. Some of those “never seen before” father/daughter drawings were chosen for the book and are there to surprise you with, yet there are some which didn’t make it into the book – like this one, for example, “a dollhouse surprise” illustration. . . Very soon there will be signed books giveaway and “Dad by my side” will finally take its place in bookstores (please, see my stories for a quick pееk at it) but today I am happy to share this illustration with you, the one which didn’t make it into the book, yet as dear to my heart as the rest of the works i did. . . I cannot thank you all enough for your support, encouraging comments, messages and kindness you show to my works and their author. 🙏🙏🙏 . . . #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #jch #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #book #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitive

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• a little bit of help • 📖 . you know these boys, they grow up so fast.. and soon the responsibility for their family, social life, self-growth and many other things will be resting on their shoulders.. so sometimes, I find myself holding up a little bit of his heavy backpack .. because once a mom always a mom 😀 . Have you ever sneaked and secretly lifted your kiddo's heavy bag? #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #mama #son #fantasy #boho #cute #love #book #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #motherhood #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitive

A post shared by Soosh • illustrator • (@vskafandre) on

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• one, two, three… • Dear friends, first of all, i would like to thank you so much for all the amazing words you have written about my recent papa/daughter series of illustrations which miraculously became quite popular these days. Frankly speaking, i am a bit (well, ok.. a lot! 🙂 overwhelmed and very happy! ☺️🙏🏻 I try my best to answer all your questions and requests, trying at least to cover all the DMs.. i wish i could thank each and every of you properly for your kind words, but physically it's not possible. So I will write here, under my new papa/daughter illustration to answer most common question. • I am working to be able to start selling my prints as soon as possible. Many of you, I know, would like to have the illustrations to give to your fathers/husbands.. on Father's Day. I think about it and try to find solution to make sure I can do it in time. So this coming week will be all about preparing to sell and once i do it, I will write it here explaining how and where you can buy my works. • Thank you! 🙏🏻 . #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #fitness #kawai #fantasy #boho #cute #father #spiritual #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitive

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Pozri aj: Ako vyzerá rovnaký deň z pohľadu matky a ako z pohľadu dieťaťa? Tieto vtipné, no zároveň dojemné ilustrácie vám to prezradia

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