
Instagram toho ponúka naozaj mnoho.

Na svoje si tam neprídu len milovníci jedla či cestovania, ale aj ľudia, ktorí milujú moderné umenie. Instagram je totiž plný nadaných umelcov – treba len vedieť, ako ich hľadať. Jedným z takýchto “skrytých pokladov” je aj umelkyňa pôsobiaca pod pseudonymom @fanasmique

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Kresby, ktoré tvorí, sú poriadne horúce a možno vás inšpirujú, ako si krátiť čas počas karantény 🙂

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"If the mirror your looking at yourself is broken, take the one my eyes are giving to you. You will see the beauty of your own world" I've never really explained why i'm drawing erotic. Most of my relatives are supporting me, some tell me what i do is worthless. Then I think about people writing me my drawings help them to connect with their partners… if i should keep only one reason to keep doing it, it's this one. Anyway, i have other thoughts hiding behind my drawings, i just don't feel like sharing them… for now. Maybe i'm only drawing sex Maybe i'm drawing love Maybe i'm drawing opposite energies connecting to each other I don't mind my art talks to your eyes, your heart or your soul, as long as it talks. "A life without love is of no account. Don't ask yourself what kind of love you should seek, spiritual or material, divine or mundane, Eastearn or Westearn. Love has no labels, no definitions. It is what it is, pure and simple. Love is the water of life. And a lover is a soul of fire ! The universe turns differently when fire loves water." E.S – the forty rules of love . . . #eroticart #eroticillustration #dessinerotique #dessin #illustration #coupleillustration #coupleart #loveart #aquarelle #watercolor #érotisme #fanasmique

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