
Niečo zo seba v nich nájde každá žena.

Sú čiernobiele, väčšinou minimalistické, no aj tak sú maximálne pôsobivé a zaujmú na prvý pohľad. Sivan Karim je talentovaný ilustrátor, ktorého na Instagrame nájdete ako @sivan.ka. Niektoré z jeho ilustrácií naozaj vyrážajú dych. 

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O tom, že jeho tvorbu sa naozaj oplatí sledovať, vás presvedčia nasledovné ilustrácie.

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Snake Bite . I think throughout our lives we all met a person we’d call a snake. Do you use the term snake to describe someone? According to urban dictionary a snake is „Someone who will for no reason try and hurt you (Snake you). They will go behind your back to tell your secrets but try to make themselves look innocent in the whole situation and try to blame it on you in the end. They go behind your back to tell your secrets.“ . But I was always wondering why a snake? Does it come from Greek Mythology? Let me know if you know anything about it. . . . #art #illustration #drawing #painting #instagood #sketch #artwork #creative #girl #snake #hair #beautifulbizarre #ink #blackandwhite #artist #sivankarim

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This was actually the second sketch for ‘Slowly Rising’. After finishing both illustrations, I felt the vibe of the first sketch was more suitable. The problem was that in the past I read some comments that some of my illustrations promote or romanticize cigarettes and alcohol. I never support such things. However I think it’s important to visualize parts of everyday life. It’s a fact that some people out there are smoking and drinking. Using this in art doesn’t mean I’m making it look cool, I simply want to add something to the atmosphere of the illustration to tell a story. I always believed that art shouldn’t be censored to please everyone, it’s a way of expression, how can you see what I feel when I only show you flowers? I understand that some people have a problem with that and I do respect that, however I want to be free in creating what I want. Art is one of the few things that make me feel free, so I hope you understand that it’s only a visualization of my ideas and inspirations, I mean no harm behind it. Besides that I’m very grateful for the overall positive feedback of the illustration, thank you! 💙 . . . . #art #illustration #drawing #painting #sketch #contemporaryart #design #water #girl #staysafe #stayhome #artwork #beautifulbizarre #picame #ink #blackandwhite #artist #sivankarim

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Hungry For Love. . . This was the second sketch I did back then when I drew ‘Modern Addiction’. I know this theme has been used by many artists, but I wanted my own visualization on this. A few month ago I overheard a conversation of three girls talking about likes/ followers (their content didn’t really seem to matter, only numbers), so I got inspired to do an illustration. I really do think that social media has become a modern addiction for many out there and that it has an impact on their social life. I think it should be fun and connect each other, not cause new kinds of addictions. What are your thoughts about social media? Do you think it’s about fame, money or power? . . . #art #illustration #drawing #painting #ink #contemporaryart #sketch #instagram #instaart #beautifulbizarre #picame #likes #girl #blackandwhite #artwork #artist #sivankarim

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