100 dní starostlivo počúvala a pozorovala svojich priateľov. Vzniklo z toho toto.

Amanda Oleander je talentovanou maliarkou z Los Angeles. Jej kresby žnú u ľudí obrovský úspech, čomu sa samozrejme nečudujeme – triafajú totiž do presne čierneho. Amanda sa nedávno rozhodla pre „100-dňovú výzvu“. Po dobu 100 dní uverejňovala obrázky, ktoré absolútne trefne zobrazovali všedné situácie zo života jej priateľov, alebo situácie, ktoré zažila ona sama. 

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Teraz si môžete pozrieť, ako sa jej to podarilo. My si myslíme, že dokonale – v koľkých obrázkoch ste sa našli vy?

Keď vám láska dobíja baterky…

…rovnako, ako hudba

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Drawing 84/100 Of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. When the beat drops and takes you to another place. /// This is inspired by the song : I get overwhelmed By: @dark_rooms . /// Side note- I wanted to address the last drawing that ended up being controversial. I deleted many of the sick comments. That illustration came from such a pure place. It was simply the feeling of being recharged after a night of cuddling with my partner. I got comments about how different races shouldn't mix, how why isn't it a gay couple, about how the man takes all of the energy. etc etc It came from love, without any intention except that. I believe that love goes beyond skin, race, or gender. Whatever you interpret about an art piece always says more about the viewer than the artist. We see the world the way we do because of our own individual experience, not as it is. // Thank you for sharing my art and passion with the world, the last illustration was viewed over 1.5 million times in 24 hours. Thank you, 🙏🏼✌🏼❤️ ///Link in bio for prints and originals ///

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My vieme, že to tiež robíte

Niet nad ženské priateľstvá

Ten pocit, keď na sebe už máte tonu vzoriek make-upu, no stále sa neviete rozhodnúť, ktorý produkt si vziať…

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Drawing 87/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. This is when you go into @sephora and take it just a little too far. /// Today I went into #sephora to just get a couple things and of course got sucked into trying new makeup and then when I looked into the mirror I looked like a clown 🤡 The bright red @tartecosmetics lipstick was smudge free so it was extremely hard to take off even with the provided makeup remover. 😂 I felt like a little kid again when my best friend @pkpicasso and I would take her mom's makeup and go all out for hours. 😅 // I'm posting the time-lapse process of this drawing on my Instagram Story now. 💄💄 . . 📱Link in bio for prints and originals 📬

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Nezabúdajme na veci, ktoré nás robia šťastnými


Na deň, kedy si nájdete prvý šedivý vlas, nikdy nezabudnete…

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Drawing 56/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. When you see a white hair and it reminds you how old you're getting and all of the things you wanted to have accomplished by this age. So you get your partner to come help cut them out or you pull them out yourself because.. who needs that rude reminder? ✂️✂️✂️– So after this post I've been getting messages about how I should be proud of what I have achieved at this age, and that I'm not that old..etc. I know I'm not that old, thirties are great years and I'm looking forward to them. And I am really happy about how far I am in my career, but as a women who wants multiple kids and wants to tour the world and publish books and work an a ton of projects it gets a little messy at this age since the older I get the closer I am to my internal ticking clock of having children. I'm not ready for them but I do want them in the future and before them there's a lot I want to do, many places I want to go and things I want to accomplish. My mom got married at 23 and had me at 24. She always gave me this piece of advice: "Do what you love before you have kids, travel, spend alone time with your partner don't rush into it." I take that advice to heart and have followed it but I think it's normal to feel that pressure when I am reminded of my age. ✨

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Objatie je jedným z najkrajších darov, ktoré môžete dať

„Idem len po chlieb, nepotrebujem košík.“

Pocit, ktorý muži nikdy nepochopia

…a pocit, ktorý ženy nikdy nepochopia

Nenechajte to dieťa vo vás zomrieť

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Drawing 88/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. When you really feel like your job is sucking the life out of you, but you feel stuck because it's how you make money so you try to fill that void with your favorite childhood treats. /// This is inspired by a phone call I had this morning. I spoke to someone very close to me that is not in a job she got her degree in and she really doesn't like it. To anyone that is going through that I want to just say, this is temporary. You aren't stuck. Your future depends on the actions you take today. You are in control of your life, don't ever forget that. –I've been there, right after graduation and completing a 3 month internship in LA I was working three jobs, (managing an Italian boutique, canvassing for @greenpeace and selling perfume at @macys on the weekend.) I always knew this was temporary.. every night I would send out my resume and apply apply apply. I kept working on my art. In one year I became a full time artist! You have to believe it will happen, envision yourself in your ideal job and it will manifest as long as you put the work in. A couple books that really helped with getting my mindset right were The Secret and The Seven Minute Solution. I hope they help you too. –(Shout out to @skdonutsla for gifting me with 6 delicious donuts one time when I was in between jobs that was such a highlight to my week. )– I would like to know how you overcame leaving a shitty job and how it has changed your life?! Your story can inspire the person that needs it. 💕❤️– putting the time lapse of this drawing on my story now. . 📱Link in bio for prints and originals 📬

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Pozri aj: Umelec vtipnými ilustráciami znázornil problémy žien. Ak patríte k nežnejšiemu pohlaviu, nájdete sa v nich aj vy

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